

What are bagworms?  

The bagworm, Thyridopteryx ephemeraeformis, is a caterpillar that forms a cocoon-like bag which hangs from the host plant. The larva constructs the bag from silk and covers it with bits and pieces of leaves and twigs from the host plant. The bag itself will look different depending on what host plant it is feeding on. The larva is dark brown with a yellow head and has black and yellow spots covering its body. Adult female bagworms are almost maggot like; they are wingless and lack functional legs, eyes and antennae.


Winter Dormancy of Tall Fescue Affects Lawn Growth

How Does Winter Dormancy of Tall Fescue Affects Lawn Growth? 

During dormancy, which typically takes place when temperatures drop below 50°F (10°C), Tall Fescue experiences a significant slowdown in growth. In essence, the grass goes into a state of rest, causing visible changes in its appearance and growth patterns. During this period, Tall Fescue ceases to grow, and its color may turn pale or straw-like, giving the lawn a less vibrant appearance. 


Why Lime is Important For Virginia Lawns

Adding lime to your lawn is a versatile task that can be performed at any time and is one of the most cost-effective ways to improve soil conditions. In Virginia, soil tends to be naturally acidic, with pH levels ranging from 4.5 to 6.3 in areas that have not been limed. While a pH of 5.0 might be suitable for blueberries and azaleas, it is not conducive to most lawns, which require a less acidic environment. 


Proper Mowing of Virginia lawns

What is Proper Mowing of Virginia Lawns?

One of the easiest ways to promote a healthy lawn is to practice proper mowing habits. We recommend you follow these mowing best practices—and of course, make sure to water too! Alongside our lawn treatment services at Virginia Green, if you follow these tips then your lawn will be looking great in no time. 


How Do You Prepare a Lawn For Winter

During the winter months, it is imperative to prepare your lawn with the steps below. 

1. Keep leaves off the lawn 

With leaves continuing to fall, it’s important to remove them as soon as you can as it’s not good for your lawn. You should rake your grass regularly during the fall and remove all the dead leaves. You can also use a leaf blower to remove the leaves as well. 


Mowing Practices

What Are Good Mowing Practices? 

When mowing your lawn, it is important to vary your mow pattern to reduce compaction of the soil. Additionally, regularly changing the pattern in which you mow the lawn will allow you to experiment with creating an interesting stripe pattern. Everyone appreciates seeing a lawn with a beautiful pattern mowed into it! 


Lawn Weed: Bermudagrass or Wiregrass

Lawn Weed: Bermudagrass or Wiregrass: Cynodon dactylonname 

Weed Description 

A perennial grass that has both rhizomes and stolons and is capable of forming a turf or mat of fine leaves. Several varieties of bermudagrass are cultivated for use as lawn and pasture grasses, however this weed has developed into a very troublesome and hard-to-control weed in agronomic crops, landscapes, nurseries, and turfgrass. Bermudagrass is found throughout the southern United States, as far north as southern New Jersey. 


Kentucky Bluegrass

We have received many questions on this identification of what maybe growing in your lawn. What you see today is known as Kentucky Bluegrass (KBG), which is common in most Virginia lawns. Most lawns in our area are a mixed stand of Tall Fescue and KBG. In fact, our seed blend is a combination of these two grass types. A lawn that is properly mowed at 4 inches will allow the KBG, and sometimes even the fescue, to produce a seed head. This is completely normal and it’s the natural reproductive phase of the grass plant.


Dormant Bermudagrass

What are these tan areas in my lawn?  

Are you seeing tan areas in your fescue lawn this winter? If so, you have begun to witness dormant Bermudagrass. Bermudagrass is a warm-season grass that goes dormant (turns tan) over the winter months. While Fescue grass is typically green year-round but may be discolored or yellow in harsh, wet winter months. When winter temperatures consistently fall below 50 degrees, fescue will go dormant because weather conditions aren’t ideal for development and growth.