Weed Control During Aeration & Seeding
Aeration and Seeding are essential to keep a healthy lawn of Tall Fescue. Ideally, you would have a weed-free lawn before you aerate and seed, but sometimes weeds still get through.
Virginia Green Seed
A great lawn begins with great seed and choosing the right seed is important to your lawn’s success. For customers who wish to tackle aeration and seeding on their own, Virginia Green is selling our own proprietary seed blend. Our quality seed comes directly from our suppliers in Oregon which is 100% weed free and contains no other crop seeds. Our proprietary blend is comprised of two different fescue varieties – 97% of Tall Fescue and 3% of Kentucky Bluegrass.
Seeding in the Spring
How Do I Prepare My Lawn for Aeration & Seeding
What you need to know in Virginia
It’s that time of year again when fescue lawns need to be aerated and seeded to recover from the heat and humidity of summer. Annual aeration and seeding is a reward for your lawn each year. Here are a few tips that can help prepare your lawn.
Watering After Aeration & Seeding

A beautiful Tall Fescue lawn has several important maintenance requirements. At the top of the list is aerating and seeding. This consists of double-core aeration of the lawn to allow nutrients, water, and oxygen to penetrate deep into the soil. Then seeding the lawn with a premium, turf type Tall Fescue blend. Yet the work does not end there.
How to Seed Your Lawn
How Do I Seed My Lawn?
Once fall comes around, you should prepare to seed your lawn to promote the healthy growth of your property’s grass. The following are the steps to seed your lawn properly and effectively during the fall season:
The Best Time To Seed Your Lawn
Why should I seed my lawn?
Even if you do your best to take care of your lawn during the summer, high temperatures can cause damage to your grass. This is especially true if you experience any droughts, or if your lawn consists of Fescue grass, which tends to struggle with Virginia’s weather conditions. You may end up with patches of thin grass or bare areas as a result of heat damage. This is why you’ll want to repair any damaged spots in your lawn once summer ends.
The Best Time to Aerate your Lawn
What is the best time to aerate your cool-season lawn?
In Virginia, the ideal time for aerating your cool-season/Tall Fescue lawn is between late August through early November. During this period, soil temperatures are at optimal conditions for Tall Fescue seeds to germinate effectively.