Winterize Your Irrigation System
Don't Wait To Protect Your System
With the shift in temperatures away from summer and into winter, plan ahead for winterizing your irrigation system by scheduling a visit from a contractor. We do suggest that you schedule this appointment for late November, around Thanksgiving time. This allows for water to be available for any warm days in the absence of rainfall.
The Importance of Leaf Removal
Cooler Weather and the Return of Weeds
As the temperatures drop and we transition into fall, many homeowners in Virginia begin to notice an unwelcome change in their lawns—the return of cool-season weeds. While the cooler weather may feel like a relief after the summer heat, it also creates perfect conditions for pesky weeds like poa annua, chickweed, and henbit to establish themselves.
Whether you’re a Virginia Green customer or someone new to lawn care services, it’s important to understand why these weeds are thriving and what you can do to manage them effectively.
How to Protect Your Lawn from Heat Stress and Dry Spots in Summer

Summer heat can be tough on lawns, especially cool-season grasses like Fescue, which thrive in moderate temperatures.
The Hidden Threat of Soil Acidity: How It Impacts Your Lawn and How Lime Can Help
A lush, green lawn is the pride of any homeowner, but achieving and maintaining that vibrant color isn't just about regular mowing and watering. One often overlooked factor that can significantly affect the health of your lawn is the acidity of your soil. If your soil's pH level is out of balance, it can lead to a host of problems, including poor grass growth, increased weed presence, and susceptibility to pests. In the eastern United States, where rain-prone climates are common, soil acidity is a prevalent issue.
Winter Dormancy of Tall Fescue Affects Lawn Growth
How Does Winter Dormancy of Tall Fescue Affects Lawn Growth?
During dormancy, which typically takes place when temperatures drop below 50°F (10°C), Tall Fescue experiences a significant slowdown in growth. In essence, the grass goes into a state of rest, causing visible changes in its appearance and growth patterns. During this period, Tall Fescue ceases to grow, and its color may turn pale or straw-like, giving the lawn a less vibrant appearance.
Why Lime is Important For Virginia Lawns
Adding lime to your lawn is a versatile task that can be performed at any time and is one of the most cost-effective ways to improve soil conditions. In Virginia, soil tends to be naturally acidic, with pH levels ranging from 4.5 to 6.3 in areas that have not been limed. While a pH of 5.0 might be suitable for blueberries and azaleas, it is not conducive to most lawns, which require a less acidic environment.
Proper Mowing of Virginia lawns
What is Proper Mowing of Virginia Lawns?
One of the easiest ways to promote a healthy lawn is to practice proper mowing habits. We recommend you follow these mowing best practices—and of course, make sure to water too! Alongside our lawn treatment services at Virginia Green, if you follow these tips then your lawn will be looking great in no time.
How Do You Prepare a Lawn For Winter
During the winter months, it is imperative to prepare your lawn with the steps below.
1. Keep leaves off the lawn
With leaves continuing to fall, it’s important to remove them as soon as you can as it’s not good for your lawn. You should rake your grass regularly during the fall and remove all the dead leaves. You can also use a leaf blower to remove the leaves as well.