Prepare Your Lawn for a Spectacular Summer
After a productive spring for local lawns, June has arrived bringing hot summer weather along with much drier conditions. A lack of regular rainfall and more humidity can be hard on Tall Fescue lawns. Fescue is a drought tolerant grass, but try to water your lawn if possible 2-3 times a week, supplying 1.5 to 2 inches of water. Also, lawn diseases development increases dramatically this time of year with higher humidity, although the following steps can help alleviate some emerging issues:
- Raise your mower to the tallest setting. Taller turf means more roots, and a greater ability for summer survival—read more.
- Water early in the morning and not in the afternoon or evenings—read more.
- Limb up trees and low hanging branches, giving your turf gets as much sunlight as possible—read more.
Another option is upgrading to Virginia Green’s Estate Program, a comprehensive 11-application program with four summer fungicide applications to prevent turf decline. The Estate Program also includes additional weed control, grub control, soil testing and lime. Fungicide applications work best as preventative measure, so call now to upgrade, rather than waiting until damage has been done to your lawn.
Looking ahead, fall aeration and seeding will begin before you know it, starting in late August. Annual aeration and seeding is one of the best ways to help your lawn thrive the following year. Sign up for this service using your account at as soon as possible, as space is limited and spots fill up fast.
As always, thanks for making Virginia Green your preferred choice to care for your property. Please do not hesitate to contact us if we can do more to help your lawn!
Warm regards,