
Proper Mowing of Virginia lawns

Lawn Care

What is Proper Mowing of Virginia Lawns?

One of the easiest ways to promote a healthy lawn is to practice proper mowing habits. We recommend you follow these mowing best practices—and of course, make sure to water too! Alongside our lawn treatment services at Virginia Green, if you follow these tips then your lawn will be looking great in no time. 

What should my mowing height be? 

The ideal mowing height for Tall Fescue is 3.5-4 inches. Virginia Green recommends always keeping the mower deck at the highest possible setting. Check the mowing height by placing a ruler in your lawn and measure the grass from the soil to the tip of the leaf blade after it is mowed. 

  • Mowing tall promotes a thicker lawn – taller shoots create deeper roots. 
  • More leaf material results in better photosynthesis, allowing the plant to fully mature and drive more roots into the soil. 
  • A tall, thick lawn will help reduce weed competition. 

*If you have a warm season lawn, we recommend mowing Bermuda lawns 1.5 to 2 inches and Zoysia lawns to 2-2.5 inches during this time.

Mowing height demonstration

Why Use Sharp Blades? 

It’s also important to be sure the lawnmower has a sharp blade. Mowing with a dull blade will result in “torn” leaf blades. This causes the lawn to have a tan or brownish tint. It can also stress the grass plants, which may lead to further issues. Monitor the sharpness often and sharpen or replace the blade as needed – this can be done yourself or by a professional. 

Is Mowing Timing Important? 

YES! Tall Fescue is a cool-season grass, this means most of the growth occurs during the spring and fall months. Mowing frequency will need to increase during these times of the year. It’s important to mow often enough to ensure that no more than one-third of the grass blade is removed at one time. Cutting too much leaf material at once can damage the plant. Conversely, Tall Fescue will not be growing as rapidly during the summer. Therefore, mowing frequency should be reduced to an “as needed” basis at this time. 

Why Should I Vary the Mowing Pattern? 

It is important to vary your mowing pattern to reduce the compaction of the soil. Riding mowers, while convenient, are heavy and will continually compact the soil. In less-compacted soils, turf roots grow deeper and are less susceptible to heat stress since the water can penetrate deeper into the roots. 

Please note: Virginia Green does not provide mowing services – please see our preferred partners for mowing needs!