
Fall Weeds in the Lawn

Are You seeing fall weeds in your lawn?

As we transition into fall, the focus is on planting and growing grass. Summers can be tough on our cool season lawns and now is the time to repair any injuries from the summer and plant Tall Fescue to thicken up our lawns. This is done through the process of aeration and seeding and is the most important step to keep your lawn dense, healthy and weed-free!

Sometimes in those areas that have thinned, we can see more weeds this time of year. This can happen due to pre-emergent weed control wearing off as intended, and because we have stopped treating post-emergent weeds in mid-August. Weed control and seed germination are conflicting activities, and we avoid this to allow for the planting of grass seed in your lawn for the months of September, October, and into the first week of November.

It is most important to focus on aeration and seeding to thicken your stand of turf – as a thick stand of turf is the best defense against weeds. Any warm season weeds at this point will die once we have the first frost of the year, and Virginia Green will be out in November and December to address cool season weeds that are starting to germinate.

If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to ask your service leader when you see them on your lawn or feel free to contact us.