
Don't Stop Watering in the Fall

Do I need to water my grass in the fall?  

Fall is here and many of our customers have the same question. Is it ok to stop watering? NO! Now is the prime growing season for your fescue lawn. 

Your grass is working hard to repair itself from the stress and heat of the summer and to prepare itself for the winter to come. Fertility and water are essential to this process. We at Virginia Green have your fertility covered, but watering your grass is up to you and mother nature. 


A Short Guide to Cost Effective Lawn Care

A lush, bright green lawn is one of those things that can really make a homeowner proud. Few people want to buy property that doesn’t have a lawn of some sort. It’s one of the reasons that so many real estate agents tell sellers to clean up their yard as a way to boost their property’s curb appeal. In a way, the lawn is like a status symbol of sorts that comes with home ownership.